About Me

Hey, welcome to ReadingAfterMidnight!

I’m going to be your host for the night, so take a book from the shelf and make yourself comfortable. We’ll start reading right after midnight.

Want to know a little bit about me?
I love to read (duh!), I never watch TV, I love walking in the rain and spending time in nature. I work from home so I live everywhere I want, and in the past 3 (or so) years I’ve become an avid reader – I usually read by night as I am busy working and living my dreams by day. When you might read this I will probably be happily married with the love of my life.
And.. oh, one more thing. Every time I eat rose jam I can’t shake this weird feeling that it’s made of butterfly wings.

I don’t write reviews, I only express my feelings.

ng-memberI love Young-Adult (YA) literature and I’m spending my free time reading and sharing my thoughts regarding the books I’ve come across.
I started writing reviews for fun and so l could keep track of the books l had read and liked. Since I’ve been posting my reviews on GoodReads for quite a while, I got inspired from my ‘GR-friends’ and decided to make my own happy place. This website is a book-blog where I tell other passionate readers about the amazing books I have read. It mainly features YA books, though occasionally I may feature adult books too.

My motto is: I blog because I read, I don’t read because I blog, so having fun is my priority. Nothing compares to the feeling I get after finishing a book that I loved to pieces and life wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t have my book-friends to share those feelings with.

For each of my reviews I love to create individual graphics and with my work I just want to make the book-world a prettier place 🙂

Don’t be shy … I love connecting with other bloggers, so leave a comment on the blog or just drop me an email at:


I hope to give you some book ideas, along with helping new or existing authors promote their new books.

My review policy:

If you are interested in sending a book my way to review you might want to read my Review Policy HERE.

I’ve been asked why all my reviews are for books with high ratings – well, this is because I like to talk mostly about the books I enjoy. It is not that I don’t read books that I don’t like (if you follow me on GoodReads you know that of course I do), but this blog is my happy place, and in a happy place there is no room for ‘unpleasures’.

My rating system:

1 star: I didn’t like it, probably I didn’t even finish reading it, so it is quite unlikely to see me write a review for a book like that.

2 stars: I got to the last page, what more could you expect from me?
If I am in a kind mood, I might very well tell you what problems I had with it and why I don’t recommend it.

3 stars: A pleasant, entertaining read.
It could have been better, but I was able to enjoy it.

4 stars: Great! I liked it a lot 🙂
It had a few flaws here and there, but I could barely put it down.

5 stars: I’m in love with this story / book / characters / writing style & I’m going to read it again ♥
I couldn’t recommend it enough!

New ways to follow the blog:


As you know, Google is restricting the Google Friend Connect service to blogger domains starting with March 2012. If you wish to continue following my blog (which I hope you will), these are the options you’ll have from now on:

Thank you for visiting!

I hope that somewhere, someone is reading a great book right now!
I hope that someone is writing one as well.
And I hope that I didn’t bore you to tears with my ramblings yet :p

Enjoy my blog and… happy midnight reading!

(¯`v´¯ )
.•´¸.•*¨ ) ¸.•*¨ )
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ (¸¸.•¨¯`•.Ariana



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